Witherbee Neighborhood Association

Our Boundaries: 33 Street (West) to 56th Street (East); O Street (North) to Randolph Street (South)


Important Phone Numbers - Lincoln, NE
Below is a list of ImPORTANT phone numbers for the City of Lincoln, NE.
If you don't see a number here that you think should be, send us an e-mail.
If you are new to Lincoln please consult the Windstream Phone books blue and white pages for more info.
Neighborhood Hotline 441-6300
Animal Control 441-7900
Building and Safety 441-7785
Bus Schedules 476-1234
Child Care Info. 441-8026
City Information 441-2489
Crime Stoppers 475-3600
Downed Power Lines 475-3233
Emergency 911
Fire Hazards 441-7363
Garbage/Dumping 441-8022
Gas Leaking (800) 303-0357
Hazardous Waste 441-8021
Junk Cars 441-6000/441-8021
Mayor's Office 441-7511
Neighborhood Watch 441-7204
Parking Problems 441-6000
Poison Control (800) 955-9119
Police (non-emergency) 441-6000
Sidewalk Repair 441-7541
Snow Removal 441-7644
Street Lights 465-7123
Street & Alley Repair 441-7701
Traffic Safety 441-8046
Trees and Limbs 441-7035
Walking Safety 441-8047




last update 3/15/09

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